We are living in a growth period that isn't sustainable in a long run:
If 2.3% increase of energy production go as usual in 2500 years we will need all the energy produced by stars in our galaxy
If there is 2% growth of GDP, the economy is gonna double every 35 years. In 8200 years the economy would be 3*10^70 its current size. In our galaxy (a point we likely would not be able to travel beyond within the 8200-year time frame) there are likely fewer atoms than 10^70. In that case in 8200 years we would need to sustaining multiple economies as big as today's entire world economy per atom.
[One crux that Holden Karnofsky I think is not making intuitive is that using atom here is not a random metaphor of large numbers— but being able to increase GDP often comes down to something substantial, material e.g. natural resources etc.]
Main take aways is that it seems at some point we should hit either: collapse or stagnation.
"This situation seems kind of crazy, and unusual, and temporary. We're either going to speed up even more, or come to a stop, or something else weird is going to happen.”