Keep list and keep crossing thing off it as this will energize you
I try to prioritize in a way that generates momentum. The more I get done, the better I feel, and then the more I get done. Sam Altman
If I’m not in the mood for some particular task, I can always find something else I’m excited to do.
I try to be ruthless about saying no to stuff, and doing non-critical things in the quickest way possible. I probably take this too far—for example, I am almost sure I am terse to the point of rudeness when replying to emails.
@morganspurlocknyc on #150 Tim Ferriss Show
Good and bad procrastination (or how to leave the right things undone)
The difference between a prolific creator and no creator is tiny. 30 min of reading everyday will leave you with 10k books read at the end of your life. 2 pages every week will leave you with 1040 pages after a decade (3-4 books) Tim Urban on Lex Friedman Show
Love (meaning broadly like care, attention) and effectiveness are often at odds with each other. In order to output more you often need to sacrifice how much effort you put into each item. I think this attitude in most cases is a dead end. In a daily life it often feels like this to me. For example when doing dishes it may feel that the cup I am just cleaning is just a mean to an end. I need to get through this as quickly as possible to get to the important stuff. And this attitude can easily infect other areas. It is easy to thing that majority what I do is not essential to large goals. Then all life activities are deplorable. This leaves me with an immense feeling of frustration. Whenever I catch myself with this attitude making dishes I slow down. I take a cup and a sponge to my hands and put more attention, care and time into cleaning it, preparing space on the drying rack. There is this surprising mind switch. I can feel fulfillment from doing dishes. And this in turn makes me more energized doing other stuff.