Summary / TLDR

This is a draft idea for a group workshop to tame the fear of being not liked, an outcast, being criticized. Participants will be able to grow a muscle of being criticized, mocked, ridiculed while feeling well, accepted, safe.


I have an intuition that fear of criticism comes from this animalistic part that A) may have quite a lot of control over our actions and B) could be easily tamed. Perhaps being both exposed to criticism and feeling well, accepted, safe can do marvels to our human gatherer (lol) psychology. I wish this was a every-week workshop during my education.


Version 0.2 [draft]. This is a draft (yes, this thing has versions and will improve with time). Please gime feedback :——) Feel free to write in the comment, message me or do it anonymously here:


Age: I think this should work for most ages – from six years old to adults.

Size of the group: It seems ideally 10-15 people (but it should work on a group that is a bit smaller or larger)


All people sta

Writing part

Facilitator asks that everybody write a criticisms aimed at themselves in the following structure: “You are _____”. Criticism could be very specific to each person or very universal. Quantity: the same amount of criticisms as there are people in the group. All criticisms should be written on small pieces of paper, should go to a large bowl, and get shuffled.

Group exercise part

People form a group, get close together. One person steps outside. Eech person in the group draw one criticism from the bowl. All people read criticism that they drew. Other are encouraged to point at the person in the middle, laugh and make mean, hostile expressions.

After all criticisms are read, group surrounds the ridiculed person and do a group hug. Everybody should say something positive, nice or negating the criticism. “Was just joking” “You cute” “I admire you”. Criticisms that were read get trashed.

Exercise continues until everybody gets critiqued and hugged.