People will lie on surveys and will tell the truth when typing into Google. This aligns with the finding from Elephant in the Brain that humans may be driven extensively by motives that are hidden from them.
Survey question: How much condoms do you use? Man: 1.6 billion Women: 1.1 billion Production: 0.6 billion tag. People are saying they have more sex than actually they have tag: Sexuality
There are twice as many searches: my boyfriend don’t want to have sex with me than my girlfriend don’t want to have sex with me
e.g. people searching very racist jokes
not east vs south but east vs. west (it’s high in south but also the highest are West Viriginia, western Penilvenia, industrial Michigan, eastern Ohio, rural Illinois, upstate New York)(divide seems to be on the Missisipi river) tag: USA
After San Bernardino attacks Obama gave a surmon about how good muslims are. But looking at google searches it totally backfired. One line change the course. Our muslim athleetes and soliders. People were writing “I didn’t know Shaquille O'Neal is a musilm. They published this in nyt and Obama next speach double down on this aspect of curisosity.
is my son... positive (twice as likely) than is my duagher... positive
excited about intellectual potential of sons and more concerns about physical appearance of daughters
predicting power: weather you searched Clinton vs. Trump polls or Trump vs. Clinton polls
Before committing suicide they search for some health issue (bigger factor than financial or relationship problems) 1. depression 2. herpies 3.
Search pattern that was a good predictor of pancreatic cancer. “Indigestion” that follow with “abdominal pain”.