We adopt beliefs from the people we love and trust, not as a conscious decision to conform, but because this is simply how we form beliefs. Beliefs are like tastes: they are something people have and are not reasoned with logic. They persevere even without social pressure and do not change when the reasons behind them are defeated. The causality is reversed; people believe the reasons because they believe in the conclusion.

For most people believes are like tastes. They are not reasoned, they are something that people have and there is no logic behind them.

Daniel Kahneman

Beliefs persevere even without any social pressure. … The belief will not change when the reasons are defeated. The causality is reversed. People believe the reasons because they believe in the conclusion … We believe what the people we love and trust believe. This is not a conscious decision to conform by hiding one's true beliefs. It's the truth, this is how we believe. 🏅 – Daniel Kahneman

Parent: Group think