Availability bias – doing things that are easiest to access and omitting doing things that are things that are harder to access despite potentially better outcomes.
I think this is one of the most impactful and overlooked biases.
- In a 2014 study led by Penn State’s David Rosenbaum, for example, participants were asked to bring either one of two heavy buckets to the opposite end of a hallway. One of the buckets was right next to the participant; the other was partway down the hall. To the experimenters’ surprise, people immediately picked up the bucket near them and lugged it all the way down—passing the other bucket on the way, which they could have carried a fraction of the distance. – excerpt From Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions Brian Christian
- I went to Thai restaurant and thought about my Thai friend. Then when I was driving with Uber I thought our driver is Thai (even though he was Indian)
- reading social media over essays with higher quality content
- “In Mischel’s marshmallow experiment ... the researchers compared the results of two situations: in one, children could see the marshmallow in front of them; in the other, they knew that it was there but couldn’t see it. On average, the children lasted only six minutes when presented with visible temptation but could manage ten minutes if the treat was hidden.” Can Brain Science Help Us Break Bad Habits?
- One click away is too far – Robert Wiblin append to his FB links either all of the content in the text field or a very long excerpt. I bet this increase reading the content by a lot.
- If you have two shelves in the room one with glass doors and one without you will use one without doors significantly more.